So I try not to do this. I try not to compulsively think about all the food I miss. The food here is fine. But sometimes the following happens. I chat with my mom. I think to myself "Man I miss my mom. Man I miss my moms mac and cheese. Man I miss cheese in general. I miss cheeseburgers. Oh and good fries. Chik fil a fries. Ooo and spicy chicken sammiches and chocolate milkshakes..." you get the drift. I then sit and feel sorry for myself for about 20 minutes.
So Here is a list so far of all the foods I miss here in Chile. In case you ever come here you will know what to mentally and emotionally prepare for. I am sure it will be continually updated.
1. Cake. Cake is not a thing here. I made mini chocolate cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for a bbq last weekend and they were a huge hit. Maybe there is a hidden market for good cake here? So yes, technically I can make it myself. But I miss strolling into Publix and buying a chocolate cake that someone else made and eating it. Plus baking here involves math, thanks metric system, so the juice isnt always worth the squeeze.
2. Good coffee and coffee creamer. The coffee mate kind with all the things that are bad for me in it.
3. Sharp cheddar cheese and feta cheese.
4. Anything from Chik fil a.
5. Good pizza.
6. Panera.
7. Brunch foods. Breakfast in general here is not super popular.
8. Sweet potato fries.
9. Brown sugar. No not technically a food but you cant make a lot of things without it and you cant find it here.
10. Good wheat beer.
So to be fair to Chile here is a list of the food here that I will miss like crazy.
1. Indian food. Shockingly good Indian food here.
2. Peruvian food.
3. Shrimp empanadas.
4. Ice cream. My word they make the best ice cream I have ever had down here.
5. Argentine steak houses.
6. The wine. That should really be #1 on the list.
I made a list of all the foods I missed when I was in Japan, too!! Ha! That is hard about being in a different country, I can imagine even more so for a whole year!